
Free Mind, Free You

Mindfulness Training

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Stillness in a Frantic World

“As soon as you honour the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out of present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care and love – even the most simple action.”

Eckhart Tolle

How It Works?

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course consists of 10 weekly sessions of up to 2 hours each. The course is programmed to be interactive with practise-based learning. The home practice then enables the participants to fully immerse themselves into mindful way of thinking, feeling and acting. Each session starts with a mindfulness meditation, and sharing experiences of the previous week with the group.

Our Experience

We have delivered individual/introductory Mindfulness sessions and the full 10-week course to:

• Organisations – to the executive/leadership teams and to their staff teams
• Coaching organisations – to their clients
• Private training – to groups of individuals in private classes

We deliver classes face to face and online.

Our goal is simple. We want every single person we work with to have the best service from us. Our aim is always to enable better health and wellbeing and we know that we can make a difference. 

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

Have you ever wondered why peace and happiness you yearn for so often slip through your fingers? Why is so much of life defined by frantic busyness, anxiety, stress and exhaustion?  

Mindfulness enables us to stop, reflect, and live in the present. Mindfulness training gives us the skills to take considered actions instead of reacting to situations. Change habits that no longer serve us and create new helpful habits. Be mindful in our everyday thoughts, our speech and our actions.

We offer

1. An ‘Introduction to Mindfulness’ presentation
2. Single session of Mindfulness to a group
3. Ten-week Mindfulness training programme for groups
4. Ten-week Mindfulness training programme for individuals.
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